Year: 2022

Poetry Book

Hello welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be telling you about my poetry book. For writing we have been learning about poetry. We had to make a slideshow with 10 poems and a title page. The title page should of had a title, your name, the year and a coloured illustration about the theme of the book. My theme is nature and space. Here are my poems:

Maths Tessellation

Hello welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be telling you about my ‘Maths Tessellation.’ For maths we have been learning about tessellation witch is Rotation, translation and reflection. Reflection  is where you reflect a shape. Rotation is where you rotate a shape. Translation is where you slide a shape without changing it. We had to do tessellation with two normal shapes first then a irregular shape. Here are my tessellations:


Stop Bullying D.L.O

Hello welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be telling you about my “Stop bullying D.L.O.” For reading we have been learning about stopping bullying. We had to make a poster or presentation about stopping bullying. We could make the poster or presentation on anything even minecraft. I made my poster on a google drawing.

Here is my poster:

Rotation, Translation and Reflaction Maths D.L.O

Hello welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be telling you about my ‘Rotation, Translation and Reflaction Maths D.L.O.’ For maths we have been looking at translation, rotation and reflection. Translation is like sliding a shape without it changing. Rotation is where you rotate a shape. Reflaction is where you flip a shape. Here is my D.L.O:

Digitech why you Should not Buy this Chocolatte Cake Mix

Hello welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be telling you about my ‘Digitech why you should not buy this Chocolate Cake Mix.’ We had to justify reasoning of why not to buy a chocolate cake mix  on a video or postor or make an advertisement for it to be bought. Mostly everybody made a poster of why not to get it and I was one of those people. Here is my postor :

Commonwealth Games Acctivities

Hello welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be telling you about my ‘Commonwealth Games Activities.’ The commonwealth games are a kind of olympics for countries in the british empire. We had a range of activities to do based on the commonwealth games from designing mascots, answering questions and so much more. Here is my slideshow:

Dialogue Writing

Hello welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be telling you about my ‘Dialogue Writing.’ Dialogue writing is when a character is thinking or speaking and it is written down as dialogue with speech marks. It is a great way to Show what a character is thinking or feeling without saying ‘She was very happy’. We had to write comic scripts into dialogue. We had three comic scripts to do. Here is one of my Dialogues:


Character description writing

Hello welcome back or welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be telling you  about my character desription writing. Character description is describing a characters characteristics such as, talents, age, name, looks, interests and more. we had to writ 5 character descriptions about a different pictures. Here is one of  my character discriptions.

Blog D.L.O Geomatric Terms with Peyton.

Hello welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be telling you about the Geomatric Terms D.L.O I made with my friend Peyton. For maths we have been learninng about geomitry and for geomitry we had to make a D.L.O. I made a D.L.O with my friend Peyton. It was a little chalenging but in the end we got it done. We had to have atleast 20 Geomatrice terms. Here is the D.L.O.

Show not Tell

Hello welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be telling you about “Show not Tell.” Show not tell is when you wright a story and show whats happening in the story  with words and not tell whats happening.  In Show not tell you can not overuse adgectives and you have to try and describe whats happening whithout giving the straight up awsner. We had to reright scentences wich is telling you what  is happening and then we had to rewrite it in show not tell.


Here is my wonderfull work.

I had a lot of fun doing this and it was quit easy. Please give me some feedback on my work.