Year: 2022

Biograghy about Vincent Van gogh

Hello welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be telling you about my Biography about Vincent Van Gogh a Dutch painter. I have been chosen to write a biography about someone who inspires me alsong side some other kids. I choose to write about Vincent Van gogh as he inspires me with his art aspecialy his work “the potato eaters”. A Biography is a story about someone elses life. I have not finished it but here it is so far.

Vincent van Gogh

On March 30th 1853 Vincent van Gogh was born. He was born to a pastor named Theodorus van Gogh. His mother was Anna Carbentus van Gogh, an amateur artist. Vincent was raised in a cultural and religious environment. He also had his younger siblings Theo (Theodoras), Cornelius, Anna, Elisabeth, Willema

He spent one year learning at a village school in zundert. Then Vincent went on to two years in a boarding school in zevenberg. Lastly he spent 18 months at a highschool in tilburg. Those beginning years Vincent spent being calm and observant and not showing interest in art. 

At the age of sixteen Vincent studied in the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. This is where he started his passion for art and more information was known about him. He studied here for two months. 

He then moved from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts to Avant-garde. There he met his friends Émile Bernard and Paul Gauguin. He studied here for nine months.

Vincent was firstly an art dealer with his uncle. He worked for his uncle for a bit. He was fired because he fighted with customers and argued. 

In April 1876 Vincent went on to be a teacher at Ramsgate, an all boys school. In Ramsgate Vincent taught language. Sadly he didn’t last long there either

Topic Time Design Process

Hello welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be telling you about the Design process. The design process is what someone uses to design something to fix a problem or awnser a thought or questiion. First you defin the problem such as your brother can’t close the door, then you research stuff like the width of the dor or weight. After those two steps you plan, get the obgects you need and then build. Now after building you test, share and get feedback, fix your design and then your done. My problem was that the slide was usualy wet. I researched, I designed, I got my stuff and then I built. Here is my project. You slide down on it holding the handlebars and the old cthes underneath will dry the slide.

Before                                                        after


Narative Eye of the Storm

Hello welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be telling you about my narative writing about a video called Eye of the Storm. A narative is a story about something that has already happend true or not. Another thing used in naritives is ‘pont of veiw’ were you could be first person (telling the story as a character) or third person ( telling the story like and abserver).  My story was in first person and I was the dragon. Here is my story I loved writing it.

Goggles looked through the spyglass into the fluffy, grey clouds. Goggles slowly lowered the spyglass and patted me on my scaly head.  I shook my wings in the air as he walked inside the aircraft.

He went on to mark his weird paper thingy. He mumbled about the path or whatever and moved on to steer the aircraft. Nothing seemed to happen and Goggles only stood there like a dead fish. 

When on track Goggles went to the fire cave. He grabbed the green goop in a cup and threw it in, turning the fire cave green. He threw more and more random things in order to make the fire enlarge. Then he opened the gold box that belonged to his late wife, closed it and threw it out overboard! That’s when I realised he was going to sacrifice himself for his late wife.

Goggles went further into the storm. He put the auto craft on autopilot and patted my head goodbye as I flew away. He was ready to bring her back. 

He went on his throne and sat upon it. The aircraft went full speed ahead. I thought it was the end for him as the abyss pulled him inside to the eye of the storm…

Follow up Tasks Charlotte’s Web

Kia ora welcome back welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be telling you about my follow up tasks for the book ‘Charlotte’s Web’. We had to do two activities from 5 different activities to choose from. I did Coming Attraction were I had to make a poster for a movie of charlotte’s web. I also did into the future were I had to make something of what I think would happen in the future. Here is my work comment any questions you have.




Collaborating with Yaldhurst Model School

Hello welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be telling you about the google meet we had with YMS. We talked about how we would either hold a mouse, snail or spider and about one of our activities. The activity we talked about was we packed a bag out of a selection of characters and the other people had to guees what person it was and why they were moving.  My group got it right and the other team got the person right but wrong reason, she was walking away from home and not going to school or camp. Though we had alot of fun. what would you pack in your bag?

Here is our work and the other persons gueess.

Yaldhurst School and Me

Kia ora. Welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be telling you about the google meet we had with YMS (Yaldhurst Model School). We have been doing work about going to the past or future. My group and I chose to go back to the past. I had a lot of fun doing that part and working with the group. Everyone wrote their ideas on a  jamboard individually and we had to find our top three and justify our reasons.

After we did some work about that we got onto a call with YMS. We were put into break rooms in the call. The people we were with are the people we will be in a group with for the rest of the term. The people in my group from my school where me (Bailey), Shikya, Ethan and Moira. The people in the group from YMS were Riley, Mikayla and Phoenix. Something funny is that Riley and I play hockey together. We all shared our work but our ideas where different, but thats okay. Near the end we asked some questions and chatted. When we were out of the break rooms we all took a photo together.


Instructions how to make hawain pizza

Hello welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will  be telling you about my instructions on how to make hawain pizza. We’ve been learnng about makeing instructions for writing an we learnt that instructions need a title, goal/aim, equipment/ingreadients, steps, bulletpoints/ numbers and simple text. We made instructions on how to make pizza. I had alot of fun making the pizza. Also specail thanks to Miss Scott and Mr Taylor for buying the materials and showing use how to make instruction and to Mrs Cassidy for getting the pizzas in and out of the oven. Here is my work:

How to Make Hawaiian Pizza

Goal: make a delicious pizza

WARNING! Hot utensils used be careful


  1. tomato paste
  2. cheese 
  3. Pizza base
  4. ham 
  5. Pineapple 


  1. Oven
  2.  fork
  3.  Spoon
  4. Grater
  5.  Pizza cutter

Our inspiration: How to make hawaiian pizza


  1. Wash your hands 
  2. Preheat the oven to 160
  3. Put Down the pizza base
  4. make holes in the base with a fork
  5.  put  the tomato sauce on your pizza base
  6.  Spread the sauce out with your spoon
  7. Grate on your cheese on the pizza 
  8. Drop your ham on the pizza
  9. Plop your pineapple on the pizza
  10. Put your pizza in the oven for 10-15 minutes
  11. Remove the pizza from the oven
  12. Wait 5 minutes for your pizza to cool down
  13. Cut your pizza
  14. Eat and enjoy


Instructions on how to make Toasted sandwitch

Hello, welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be telling you about my instructions on how to make a toasted sandwich. We had to write the instructions as if a robot was following it word by word. We also learnt that instructions need, Title, Goal, equipment, a verb to start each instruction, steps in order (methods), Bullet points/ numbers, simple text/ easy to understand, and one thing to do per instruction. Instructions can also have key tips, suggestions, pictures, rules and guidelines. Here are my Instructions.


How to make toasted sandwiches

Goal: to make the perfect toastie.

Caution! Hot equipment is used please make sure if the kid is using they have adult guidance. 



  • Butter 
  • Lunchin
  • Cheese
  • Knife
  • Toastie machine
  • Loaf of bread
  • Cutting board 


  1. Wash your hands.
  2. Put all your equipment out on the table
  3. Plug the toastie into the plug and turn it on
  4. Lay two slices of bread onto your cutting board.
  5. Butter the face of your bread slices using the knife.
  6. Turn both your bread slices over, the butter side on the cutting board.
  7. Place your luncheon  on the unbuttered side on one of the bread slices.
  8. Sprinkle your cheese over the luncheon. 
  9. Place your bread slices together with the butter side facing outwards.
  10. Place your sandwich in the toastie machine
  11. Close the lid of the toastie machine
  12. Cook your toastie to the perfect brown
  13. Take your cooked toastie out of the toastie machine.
  14. Place toastie on plate or tissue 
  15. Eat and enjoy!

heres a picture of my freiend macking a toastie


Ice-Cream Sundae

Kia ora, welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be telling you about my Ice-cream sundae instructions. For writing we hade to write instructions on how to make an ice-cream sundae. Instructions need an title, goal/ aim, equipment, how to do it, bulletpoints numbers, make sence and simple text. Heres my writing:

 How to make an Incredible Ice-cream Sundae

Goal: make a delicious ice cream sundae


  • Vanilla ice cream
  • Wafer
  • Strawberry sauce
  • Rainbow sprinkles


  • Ice cream cup
  • Spoon
  • Ice cream scoop

How to make it:

  1. Wash your hands
  2. Scoop two scoops ice cream into the Ice cream cup
  3. Stick your wafer on the ice cream scoops
  4. Drizzle your strawberry sauce on your ice cream
  5. Sprinkle some sprinkles on the dessert
  6. Eat and enjoy.

Cross Country

Hello, welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be telling you about Cross Country. Cross Country is where you run in your year group around a big track such as Kyle Park and if you make it to third, second or first you get to go to zones. I didn’t make it to zones but I made it in the top six and I’m happy about that. My favourite part was running down the hill and catching speed. Another thing I liked was seeing my little sister race. My least favourite part was always being behind the same girl. Here’s some pictures of me and my little sister running. My sister is the one with the jacket around her waist.