Dance Reflection.

Kia ora welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be talking about my Performance last Friday in Dance. For dance we had to make a dance in a group using different dance styles, unison, canning, levels and space. Unison is where you do the same thing at a time with your partner. Canning is where your partner does the same thing but delayed. Levels is where people get at different levels, like one person is sitting and the other is standing. Space is wher you get far and use up a lot of space.

I worked with two of my friends for my performance. We did the song “Light-switch” by Charlie Puth. It was a lot of fun working with them, Maria had amazing ideas and was so talented with such smooth movements. Shuhan was so good at learning the dance and she had such good movement, it was so smooth. I tried to have as much emotion and cretivity during my performance, I had a big smile and really felt the dance and song. We got titan for our dance and I am so proud. I was absolutely so lucky to have such a great group.

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