Category: Ako | Learn


Kia ora welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be Talking to you about Matariki. Matariki is a star cluster only shown during June and July, the Maori new year. The Maori used the star cluster as a reference for how the next year would go food and crop wise, the brighter the stars are during matariki, the better the crops for the new year. the stars names are, Matariki, Waiti, Waita, Waipuna-a-rangi, Tupu-a-nuku, Tupu-a-rangi, Pohutakawa, Hiwa-i-te-rangi and Ururangi.

Interactive: The story and meaning of the Matariki stars - NZ Herald

Dance Reflection.

Kia ora welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be talking about my Performance last Friday in Dance. For dance we had to make a dance in a group using different dance styles, unison, canning, levels and space. Unison is where you do the same thing at a time with your partner. Canning is where your partner does the same thing but delayed. Levels is where people get at different levels, like one person is sitting and the other is standing. Space is wher you get far and use up a lot of space.

I worked with two of my friends for my performance. We did the song “Light-switch” by Charlie Puth. It was a lot of fun working with them, Maria had amazing ideas and was so talented with such smooth movements. Shuhan was so good at learning the dance and she had such good movement, it was so smooth. I tried to have as much emotion and cretivity during my performance, I had a big smile and really felt the dance and song. We got titan for our dance and I am so proud. I was absolutely so lucky to have such a great group.

Ramp it down

Kia ora welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be talking about the new experiment we’re doing in science with ramps and balls. We need to figure out weather a ping pong ball or a marble will go further down the ramp.



My Hypothesis in the ping pong ball will travel further than Marble. Since the ping pong ball is hollow and weak, it means it will more easily travel down the ramp. The light weight makes it faster and more aerodynamic.




  1. one marble
  2. one ping pong ball
  3. a level ramp
  4. a metre ruler

First you get your ramp and then you can role down your Balls. You try this three times to see witch one rolls further.

My ramp:


test Ping pong ball Marble
1 2.28 3.8
2 1.14 3.3
3 0.9 4.17
average 1.44 3.76


In conclusion my hypothesis was incorrect, as the ping pong ball travelled further than the marble. The momentum of the ping-pong ball was slowed down by a substantial amount due to the wind altitude.  The reason thing roll down ramps is because of the gravity pulling it down, the mass of two objects pull them together using force.


Athletics- High Jump

Kia ora welcome back or welcome to my blog, today I will be talking about High jump. Athletics is a big part of New Zealand school culture. In New Zealand each year the school will run an athletics event, one of the events is High jump.

High jump is when you jump over a metal bar that is approximately 1m high. The aim is to jump the highest. The way you jump over is you get a run up and when you make it to the bar you jump over with a scissor kick. A scissor kick is when you have one leg go up and then the other one matches its height.

When I last did high jump I failed on the first jump. Maybe because it was a big competition over all of Canterbury and I was not very good. I didn’t enjoy it but at least it was a good learning experience. I hope to learn better for the future.

Video help.

Paper Plane Experiment

Kia ora welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be talking about a paper plane experiment we will be doing in science. the temperament is about whether a smaller or a bigger paper aeroplane will go further


I think the small plane will go further because it is more aerodynamic. It will easily be carried out as it is smaller and more lightweight. the wind will carry it out like a feather in the sky.


We are learning about fair testing. The testing needs to be fair otherwise the experiment is wrong and that can lead to lose of trust in the scientist.

The first paper plane was made around 200 years ago.

The longest distance ever flown by a paper plane was 88.1 metres.

There are four forces that act on the paper plane when it is flying.

  • Thrust, how fast it is pushed
  • Lift, how much wing area can be pushed up
  • Gravity, pulls the plane down
  • Drag, slows the plane down

This video shows some information about how paper planes fly. I thought that it does a great job explaining how to make a great paper plane.


  • A4 paper
  • A5 paper
  • Chalk
  • Metre stick

Steps (Method)

First we had to make two identical paper planes using the paper.

  1. fold your piece of paper in half and open it up

2) fold the top two corners into the middle

3) fold in the top two corners again

4) fold the paper in half

5) fold down the edges to make the wings

Next we draw a line on the floor with chalk and stood there for the experiment. We throw the planes to see witch one goes further. We do this three times to see the outcome.



Race one- big one won

Race two- Big one won

Race three- Big one won



In the end my Hypothesis Incorrect. With every race the bigger plane won.

I have multiple ideas to as why this happened.  With the size imbalance it is highly likely the wings on the bigger plane had a bigger wingspan. It could also be because the smaller one was less sturdy or vis versa.

The way a plane works is the wings are crafted in a way so specific it changes the wind altitude on the bottom and the top. The wind on the top is fast than the wind on the bottom. This causes and affect called lift. There are four contributes to make the plane fly lift, thrust, drag and gravity. The lift keeps the plan up, the thrust keeps it moving, gravity keeps it from going to high and drag keeps it at a good past. When all of these are in balance the plan moves effectively. The wind is the main thing used in The aeroplane movement.

 Video explenation

Dance Moves we Learnt About

Kia ora welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be talking about dance moves I’ve learnt about and what I’m looking forward to learn about.

we have learnt about unison, cannoning, tiktok dances and fornight dances. We have learnt about so much and It’s been so much fun. I am looking forward to learning about show dance, hiphop and break dance. I can not even wrap my head round all the cool possibilities.

3D Model of a Waka Hourua

Kia ora, welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be talking about the 3d model I made of a Waka Hourua. A Waka Hourua is a double hulled canoe. In social sciences we have been learning about Māori migration from Southeast Asia to Aotearoa. We have learnt about the Waka Māori used and this week we have made a 3d model of a Waka Hourua.

I worked by myself to make simple and sleek design. I used purple, green and tan for my colours. The hulls were triangular and purple, the paddle was green, the rest of it was tan and the sail was made of a purple fabric square.  I added a piece of yarn to make it pretty and I used some hot glue to make it sturdy. I found this a lot of fun and I am excited to see how it will flout.

What do you think of my Waka Haurua?

Art landscape painting

Kia ora welcome back or welcome to my blog today I will be talking about the painting I made in art. In art we have been working on acrylic paintings, more specifically landscapes. We had to make a painting of a made up landscape using different techniques. I don’t like acrylics that much but it was nice to get out of my comfort zone, here’s my work.