Tag: Literacy

Custom Magical Ice-Cream Advertisement.

Kia ora welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be talking about the fake ice-cream advertisement we had to make.  In literacy we have been reading the short story “Smart Ice-Cream” by Paul Jennings. In the story there is magical ice-cream witch can do anything. For our work we had to come up with a magical ice-cream and make an add for it.

here is my work:

Explanation Writing

Kia ora welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be talking about The water cycle. In literacy we have been doing explanation writing. For explanation writing we had to write about the water cycle. The water cycle is how water moves throughout it it’s lifetime. It all repeats for infinity.  Here’s my story:


The life cycle of water starts off with the water evaporating. Evaporation caused by the hot weather turns the water to another state known as gas. Once it evaporates the water generates into something called condensation otherwise known as clouds. It then rains, snows or hails down upon the ground. It then hits the ground and is then gathered through the sewers and the drains to a different large or small body of water.in this following explanation it will be expanded upon.  

First the water starts off by rising up into the sky after evaporating. Evaporation is affected by the temperature surrounding it. If it’s warmer it’s more likely to evaporate or boil than freeze or become cold. And if it’s colder it’s more likely to freeze and way less likely to evaporate, in fact it’s almost impossible. While evaporation the water goes to a different state known as condensation or gas. Condensation as you may call it, clouds. 

The clouds can be any types like, cumulus, cirrus, stratus or anything else. The clouds which on average weigh 1.1 million pounds or 498951.607 kg is where the water may crystallize.  If it may happen the water might crystallize and it would turn then to hail or snow, it depends. Once it rains, snows or hails it then gets collected. 

Water once it rains or melts it gets collected through drains. The snow or hail before going through the drains will need to melt back into water, its original form. Once it makes it to the drains and into the sewer it is then redirected to somewhere where it will be cleaned. Once cleaned it is then distributed to different places: the oceans, rivers, lakes, houses or buildings. 

The water cycle is the lifecycle of water.  Firstly it evaporates into condensation or as we call it, clouds. In the clouds the water may crystallize into snow or just stay the same. Once it rains or snows the water is collected through the drains or is already in a body of water.

The Bunny and the Porkupine

Kia ora welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be showing you my story. For literacy we have learning who, what, when, where, why, how. We got a picture and had to write questions about the story. Once we did the questions we wrote a story about the picture. I chose ‘Animal Olympics.’ Here is the picture and they story.

Early morning in the sweet Alabama breeze the stadium was being set up. The wind blew and the sun slowly rose. 

“Hey Jolly Ranchers, where is the other mat for the pre-workout training?” asked worker #1 as he was searching through the shed.

“Firstly my name is not ‘Jolly Ranchers,’ and secondly it’s not here,” replied worker #2 coming to the shed to check.

“Okay Jaw Breaker I  guess they’ll just warm up on the high jump mat.” Said worker #1.

*Sigh* sighed worker #2. So they got back to work without a second thought. 

A porcupine named Bobby McBoberson went to warm up on the green mat. Nothing big. He climbed on the mat and started to do push ups, good for the upper body. He was working hard and keeping well focused on what he was doing. Then on the speaker, that he was “totally listening to”, there was a call for high jumper #12386. #12386, who was a bunny named Mr Smiggles, went to his starting point. His legs went into position, and his eyes gazed up at the bar. He started to run as fast as he could. Ecstatically, he leapt above the bar. The bar was set to 5 m, an all time record. As Mr Smiggles looked down he saw this humanoid piece of poop. Oh no! It was Bobby McBoberson doing his warm up. 

Mr Smiggles fell onto Bobby McBoberson, the blood exploding into the air. The ambulances were called immediately and the paramedics came to separate them. The concerned and shock on peoples faces was horrific. It was the dumbest mistake ever made in the Animal Olympics. 

After the animals were separated they were taken to the hospital. The high jump had to be cancelled due to the crime scene around the only mat. The animals that suffered the injuries were luckily okay after a few months, and were cleared to go back into full time sports. However, this was an interesting experience due to the workers being dumb, as it was their first Animal Olympics.

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