Tag: Throwing

P.E Term 3 Throwing and Catching

Kia ora welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I will be talking about what we have been doing in P.E this past term. This past term we have been working on throwing and catching. With throwing and catching we have learnt games related to it like Netball, Basketball, Bench ball, Koffball and Much more.

To catch a ball you have to keep your hands like a w in front of your chest and keep them sturdy. To throw you do the same and you push the ball forward. To aim you keep your eyes on the target and then throw forwards to the target.

I really enjoyed it and I think I did OK but I did try hard. Everyone did amazing and nobody gave up and neither did I. I think I could have probably did better at my aim and one handed catches. I did do good in throwing with one hand though.